Emeritus Professor of General Pathology and Physiopathology at the Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela.

Chief of the Sections of Neuropharmacology, Neurochemistry and Stress, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Central University of Venezuela.

President of the Venezuelan Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

Address: Apartado 80.983,
Caracas 1080 A, Venezuela.
Email: flechin828@gmail.com
Fax: (58212) 575 3161 - 961 0172
Phones: (58212) 574 2702 - 574 4819

Doctor of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela (UCV), 1951; specialization in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at Vargas Hospital, Caracas, and the Postgraduate Hospital in Philadelphia, PA, 1954. Further studies in physiology, pharmacology, immunology, neurochemistry, mathematics, statistics, and psychoanalysis (11 years) in Caracas where he opened clinical practice at the same time as carrying out research at the Carlos J. Bello Hospital. In 1959, he joined the Institute of Experimental Medicine in the UCV Medical School, Caracas, where today he heads the Clinical Neurochemistry, Neuropharmacology and Psychosomatic Sections and is Emeritus Professor of General Pathology and Physiopathology. (From 1980 to 1988 he lectured on psychopharmacology, postgraduate level at the University Hospital of Caracas, Department of Psychiatry). He is now Professor, at potsgraduate level, on NeuroImmunePharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Central de Venezuela.

He has published more than 240 papers on results of clinical, physiological, pharmacological and psychiatric research carried out by his team and is today a reviewer for several American and European medical and scientific journals. Dr. Lechin and colleagues are authors of four books: Control Gastrointestinal de la Secreción de Insulina, Imprenta Universitaria, Caracas, 1972; Neurochemistry and Clinical Disorders, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1989; The Autonomic Nervous System, Editorial Científico-Médica, Barcelona, Spain, 1979, Neurocircuitry and Neuroautonomic Disorders. Reviews and Strategies of Therapy, Karger, Basel, 2002. A chapter in a book: Crosstalk between the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system: Mechanistic and therapeutic considerations for neuronal, immune, vascular, and somatic based diseases. In: Maiese K, editor. Neurovascular Medicine: Pursuing Cellular Longevity for Healthy Aging. New York: Oxford University Press; 2009:101-152.

Dr. Lechin is President of the Venezuelan Society of NeuroImmunePharmacology. He is past-president of the Venezuelan Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. He has addressed national and international scientific congresses on Gastroenterology, physiology, pharmacology, psychosomatic, psychiatry, and psychoneuroendocrinology and has spoken by invitation to the research unit of pharmaceutical companies such as Sandoz (Basel), Lilly (Indianapolis), Janssen (Belgium), and Bristol (New York).

He has lectured in the United States, Great Britain, and Argentina, at hospitals and/or universities including U. of Connecticut, Iowa, Columbia, Texas, Ohio State, South Florida, UCLA, Oxford, Cambridge, London and Buenos Aires.

He has been included in the 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century, and in the 200 Honours List of the 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century - Second Edition - Edited by International Biographic Centre, Cambridge, England, year 2000. Included in the 500 Leaders of Influence - Edited by American Biographical Institute, Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, year 2000. Member of the Honorary Editorial board of Clinical Medicine: Case Reports journal.

Dr. Fuad Lechin has been nominated for the Nobel Prize of Medicine, 2001. This nomination was based on the new treatment of bronchial asthma and myasthenia gravis developed and published by his research group. He received the Gold Medal for Venezuela for his scientific research in medical sciences, 2006, granted by the American Biographical Institute.